Adilisha – Learning by and across movements

i. Aim
To deliver movement building learning, popular education and consciousness raising tools to youth
social movements, activists and other stakeholders in order to strengthen movements for social
justice in Africa and globally.
ii. Approach
Adilisha will seek to deliver a range of innovative and diverse learning tools and methodologies to
social justice youth movements through experience sharing and learning exchanges, learning tours,
debates and competitions, fellowships, activist boot camps, learning and raining centres, distance
learning and workshops, amongst others to equip them with necessary skills for their activism.

Furthermore, the programme seeks to deliver learning that is focused on movement building,
provides popular and political education and provides democratic spaces for peer learning and
sharing on theory and practice for sustained, creative and inclusive movements.

Fahamu sees learning as an ongoing movement building process that is not restricted to the work we
will do through Adilisha, but incorporated throughout our work for our staff, the movements we seek
to serve, and other stakeholders with whom we will work with. Further, we will seek to have a
significant multiplier effect through the Adilisha work by contributing to the creation of a cadre of
visionary young leadership for change in Africa, as well as providing replicable and accessible models
for learning.
Fahamu itself will continue to be a learning organisation through the understanding of the
importance of reflection, critical analysis, continued learning, exchange, research and debate. As
such, our internal work and processes will be flexible and open to change based on reflection, need
and learning.
iii. Expected outcome
Reach and impact at least 50 young African leaders and their movements per year so that they are
well informed, and equipped to demand for their rights as well as share and learn from their
experiences and those of other social movements that they work with in the struggle for social
justice. It is further expected that those young people and their movements will have been
introduced to other young activists, groups and networks across the African continent for further
learning, sharing, and solidarity building for further impact. Finally, those youth movements and their
leaders will have interacted and engaged various policymakers from various sectors and at different
levels on policies that directly impact them and their communities.