To provide platforms for Africa-centred advocacy that strengthen movements, especially those
working with young people and citizens’ voices in policy agenda setting and implementation while
amplifying progressive African voices and decision-making at all levels.
ii. Approach
Fahamu believes that people must speak for themselves. Rather than leading, dictating or advocating
on behalf of communities, people or causes, we will provide platforms, spaces, tools and networks to
strengthen the advocacy of the movements with whom we will work.
While we understand the critical importance of international processes, Fahamu’s value added is our
Africa-centred approach to advocacy. We will support progressive Africa-centred advocacy from the
local to the international, valuing citizens’ forums and village assemblies as well as formal policy
spaces including at the African Union level and at the level of Regional Economic Communities of
Africa. Fahamu will support grassroots campaigns by enabling peer learning, establishment of
networks, supporting the use of a variety of innovative advocacy tools and assisting them with
strategising their plans. Fahamu strongly believes in genuine solidarity of people across the globe.
Solidarity based on the understanding of mutual gain from sharing and transferring knowledge,
experiences, resources across and within movements as well as mutual respect for self-determination
and diversity. Wherever possible, we will support and encourage solidarity action, exchanges and
peer learning across and within youth movements across Africa and the Global South as part of our
Pan-African conviction of promoting cooperation and solidarity between the people of the Global
iii. Expected outcome
Collaborating with at least 50 youth movements per year so that citizens’ voices in policy agenda
setting, implementation and decision-making at all levels and in various sectors are strengthened
through platforms for Africa-centred advocacy.